Viendo esta colección de imágenes de David siento envidia (sana) por los lugares que ha visitado, y se me encienden las urgencias por hacer la maleta. Siento una complicidad especial porque su visión del viaje no es épica –o al menos a mí no me lo parece–, sino cotidiana. Creo que a David lo que le gusta es haber vivido en esos lugares por un cierto tiempo, haber sido uno más de sus habitantes, haber sido otro. Lo entiendo y lo comparto...
Miguelanxo Prado
Presentación en el Salón del cómic de Barcelona 2009
Firma del libro: sábado 30 mayo. 19:00h. Stand de El patito editorial. FICÓMIC
...David Pintor, so you can see in this book, he has traveled a lot. And note, by the pictures, he likes to do. He also enjoys drawing and painting. We already knew many. And he does magnificently (as drawing and painting, well, it seems that the travel ...). David told me that many of the views that appear on these pages are made from memory, playing with more memories and feelings with objective reality. I know well that game and I love it. After all, the most important journey mapping is not his record, but the footprint it leaves on us and how we can change. Surely that is why we are in the landscape that shows a breath David poetic dream that goes beyond the more or less unreliable that sometimes are part of the table. Browsing this collection of pictures of David feel envy (healthy) for the sites he visited, and I turned to the emergency room for the suitcase. I have a special complicity because their vision of the journey is not epic. I think what David is like having lived in these places for some time. I understand and share...
Miguelanxo Prado