Portada para la revista cultural Opticks magazine. "La memoria".
Este es un caso curioso a la hora de la realización de una portada. El encargo era el de realizar la cubierta del número de verano de una revista cultural de tendencias. Me apetecía hacer algo diferente, pero no encontraba el cómo. Despues de realizar varios bocetos y apuntes buscando una idea para la ilustración final, miré la mesa de trabajo y se me ocurrió realizar este collage de ideas acerca del tema. El presentarlos en notas post-it fue la referencia global a la memoria. Es una trabajo que al mismo tiempo muestra un poco mi manera de trabajar.
Cover for spanish cultural magazine "Opticks". "The memory"
This is a curious instance when performing a cover. The assignment was to make the cover of the summer issue of cultural magazine trends. I wanted to do something different, but could not find how. After making several sketches and notes looking for an idea for the final art, I looked at the table and I made this collage of ideas on the subject. The post-it notes was the global reference to the memory. It is a work that also shows the way I work.
domingo, 28 de julio de 2013
domingo, 7 de julio de 2013
Pocos encargos me han agradado tanto como el que me ha hecho la revista Leer para diseñar la portada de la revista de los meses de julio y agosto. Se trataba de un número especial sobre lecturas de verano para el que me sugirieron basarme en los placeres de la vida ligados al placer de leer. Le propuse al editor de la revista no sólo hacer una ilustración para la cubierta, sino "dibujar" toda la portada. Hacer un ejercicio de diseño que incluyese tambien el nombre de la revista, los titulares y los elementos fijos como el precio, número, etc...Tan sólo el código de barras no iría dibujado manualmente. Era una vieja idea ( la de dibujar la totalidad de la portada de una revista), que por fin iba a poder llevar a cabo.
El resultado, una taza de café, una sugerente mujer lee el Ulises al lado de una ventana a través de la cual vemos un paisaje mediterráneo. El placer del tacto, del olfato, del gusto, de la vista y del oido. El placer de leer.
Few orders have pleased me as much as the magazine LEER made me to design the cover of the months of July and August 2013. It was a special issue on summer reading for which I suggested to build on the pleasures of life linked to the pleasure of reading. I suggested to the editor of the magazine not only make an illustration for the cover, but "drawing" the entire cover . Make a design exercise that included also the name of the journal, headlines and fixed elements such as price, number, etc ... Only the barcode would not be manually drawn . It was an old idea (drawing the entire cover of a magazine), which was finally going to be able to perform.
The result, a cup of coffee, a woman reading Ulysses suggestive beside a window through which we see a mediterranean landscape. The pleasure of touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. The pleasure of reading.
El resultado, una taza de café, una sugerente mujer lee el Ulises al lado de una ventana a través de la cual vemos un paisaje mediterráneo. El placer del tacto, del olfato, del gusto, de la vista y del oido. El placer de leer.
Few orders have pleased me as much as the magazine LEER made me to design the cover of the months of July and August 2013. It was a special issue on summer reading for which I suggested to build on the pleasures of life linked to the pleasure of reading. I suggested to the editor of the magazine not only make an illustration for the cover, but "drawing" the entire cover . Make a design exercise that included also the name of the journal, headlines and fixed elements such as price, number, etc ... Only the barcode would not be manually drawn . It was an old idea (drawing the entire cover of a magazine), which was finally going to be able to perform.
The result, a cup of coffee, a woman reading Ulysses suggestive beside a window through which we see a mediterranean landscape. The pleasure of touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. The pleasure of reading.
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