Este año, por primera vez, han convocado un concurso para elegir una ilustración para el cartel de la Bienal, y una ilustración mía de la ciudad de Santorini ha resultado la elegida para usar como imagen del festival que se celebrará los días 18, 19 y 20 de 2011 en la ciudad francesa. La ilustración estará en carteles, trípticos y diverso material promocional.
Aquí tenéis el cartel:

I found the Clermont-Ferrand carnet of voyage biennal many years ago. It seemed an original initiative of a festival devoted to the genre of travel books that I like both. In 2009 I decided to participate with the book "Ciudades de papel" and won the Grand Prix of the Biennal. I could visit the city of Clermont-Ferrand and meet many people fascinated with this kind of books.This year, for the first time, the organization of the bookfair have launched a competition to choose an illustration for the poster of the Biennal, and a picture of mine from the city of Santorini has been chosen to use as image of the festival on 18, 19 and 20, 2011 in the French city. The artwork will be on posters, brochures and various promotional materials.Here's the lineup: