Es un libro que ha acabado por editarse en España despues de una historia muy curiosa llena de casualidades, que intentaremos explicar el día de la presentación. Un proyecto de una editorial pequeña, pero que ha derrochado ilusión por parte de todos los que hemos participado en él. Editores, libreros, la autora y yo os esperamos para pasar un rato agradable, celebrar el nacimiento de este libro...y alguna sorpresa más...
On Thursday, December 1, 2011 will present the book "The Nutcracker". A retelling of E.T.A. Hoffmann traditional tale, but in picture book format. The event will be at 20:30 at the bookstore Nutcracker and involved the author of the text, Maria Canosa, editor Paul Zaera, and myself. The book has been published in spanish and galician by Pablo Zaera publisher.
Is a book that has come to be edited in Spain after a very curious story full of coincidences, which attempt to explain the day of the presentation. A project for a small publisher, but that illusion has squandered by all who have participated in it. Publishers, booksellers, the writer and I will hope to have a good time, celebrate the birth of this book ... and some other surprises ...